The NEW DAWA CENTRE, @ 2194 Albany Hwy in Gosnells: OFFICIAL OPENING: SATURDAY the 1st JULY 2023 Dear Community Members, السلام عليكم و رحمة الله Intro: The Daawah Association of Western Australia (DAWA) was founded in 1998 by Br. Sufyaan Khalifa along with a group of individuals who shared a passion and…

Assalamu alaykum Bismillahi Rrahmani Rrahim I wrote the below piece when this issue initially came to the surface a few years back. It deals with stunning in general and the part about CAS gas stunning is half way through. There are many factors to consider here. The process of stunning…

As Eid ul-Adha approaches and the Qurbani / Udhiyah ritual is upon us, Masjid Ibrahim will be actively pledging for Qurbani / Udhiyah donations in 2023 We urge all Members of the community to remember the story of Ibrahim (AS) and the sacrifices he made. Do your part for humanity…

As-Salaamu ‘Alaykum. Taraawiih salaah will be performed at the Canning Vale Community Centre (map attached). Free parking is provided at the centre which is located corner Waratah and Eucalyptus Blvd. Salaah commences at 8:30pm every night. Was-Salaam, ML. Feizel Chothia