Weekend School (Islamic and Quran)

HOOD Juniors Beliefs and Basics

SATURDAYS | 3:30PM - 5:00PM
A weekly class for Muslim girls boys to learn about their deen and connect with other youth their age.
The class focuses on providing a foundation of authentic Islamic knowledge along with nurturing a strong Islamic identity.
The class discusses Islam in a practical way allowing for open discussion for youth to discuss questions or misunderstandings they may have about Islam.
Gemstones Beliefs and Basics

SUNDAYS | 1:00PM - 3:00PM
A weekly class for Muslim girls to learn about their deen and connect with other youth their age.
The class focuses on providing a foundation of authentic Islamic knowledge along with nurturing a strong Islamic identity.
The class discusses Islam in a practical way allowing for open discussion for youth to discuss questions or misunderstandings they may have about Islam.
Diamonds Weekly Islamic Classes

FRIDAYS | 6:00PM - 7:30PM
A weekly class for Muslim teen girls to learn about their deen and connect with other youth their age.
The class focuses on providing a foundation of authentic Islamic knowledge along with nurturing a strong Islamic identity.
The class discusses Islam in a practical way allowing for open discussion for youth to discuss questions or misunderstandings they may have about Islam.
The curriculum used is: โ Islamic Studies Book 1โ by Sheikh Bilal Philips.
HOOD Weekly Islamic Essentials

SATURDAYS | 6:00PM - 7:30PM
A weekly class for Muslim teen boys to develop into young men with a strong understanding of Islam.
The class focuses on providing a foundation of authentic Islamic knowledge along with open discussions for youth ask questions and clarify misunderstandings they may have about Islam.
This curriculum used is โ Islamic Studies Book 1โ by Sheikh Bilal Philips.
The curriculum used is: โ Islamic Studies Book 1โ by Sheikh Bilal Philips.
Maktab Quran & Islamic Classes

Quran and Islamic Classes

Maktab Quran & Islamic Classes

Saturday Quran Classes

๐ฃ๐ฃTesting Day - Tomorrow Monday 1st January at Perth Ummah Centre | 1PM - 3PM๐ฃ๐ฃ
Is your child aged 6 - 17 years old?
Are you wanting them to learn the book of Allah ( Al-Quran)?
Saturday Quran Class has its testing day to fill spots available. Testing does not guarantee a spot. Students will be offered a spot based on their level ( after being tested) and based on availability in the appropriate class.
Hifz Program

*Our Centre Hifz Program*
Alhamdulillah, we are excited to announce the commencement of the *Our Centre Hifz program in 2024!* The community has expressed the need for it, and with the help of Allah, we can offer places to those who wish to commit the Book of Allah SWT to memory.
Under the guidance of expert and qualified male instructors for male students and expert and qualified female teachers for female students, you can now make your dream of memorising the Word of Allah a reality! *Memorise the Qurโan accurately with the rules of recitation (Tajweed)* in tiny class sizes so you can see quality results and outcomes ุฅู ุดุงุก ุงููู.
*Commencing term 1, 2024* and taking place in the *Thornlie Masjid* after school hours, you must hurry as *limited spaces* are available.
Hifz Class

Hifz Class

๐ *FULLTIME Hifz Classes 2023*
Alhamdulillah with the help of *_UAIA of Maddington Musallah_* we are pleased to release to the Perth Muslim community locations of all *fulltime hifz classes*. With this, we hope more youth will aspire to become a huffaz (with their parents support) and will be chosen by Allah swt to be people of the Quran.
May Allah swt reward all the Hifz teachers and all involved in running these fulltime madrasah.
_Jazakallahukhairan to all hafeez, imams, aalims and admins who helped supply the information_
๐Sister S.A
Perth WA
Hifz Course

Tajweed 101
A weekly class for young boys aged 10 -13 to improve their tajweed and reading fluency over one year.
Students will start by completing lessons 1-30 of the book Noorani Qaida before progressing onto Quran.
All students are taught at the same level irrespective of current reading ability.
*** Starting 10th February ***
When: Saturday Mornings at 10:00am - 11:00am
Where: Perth Ummah Centre (4/20 Roxby Lane, Willetton)
Cost: $75 per term
Enrol through www.icentrewa.com.au > classes

MMA - Self Defence
Boys MMA: Self Defence and Fitness
A weekly class for boys 14+ to build strength, increase fitness, and learn how to defend and protect themselves.
*** Starting 10th February***
When: Saturdays at
5:00pm - 6:30pm
Cost: $30 joining fee | $50 per term
Contact Br Ismail on 0405 903 995 for enquiries
Diamonds of Islam

If you are a teenage girl or you have a daughter aged 12+ looking to have a social connection with other girls whilst learning about Islam, yourself & the world around you, then Diamonds might be what you're looking for!
The year will consist of 9 sessions once a month, plus an exclusive camp during the school holidays.
Session activities include a variety of social outings and sports, Islamic and personal development topics & community engagement.
If you are interested in joining please fill in the Pre-registration Form down below and we will be in contact with you to finalise registration.
Places will ONLY be confirmed once the registration process is complete.
Enquiries to diamondsofislam@icentrewa.com.au
PRE-REGISTRATION FORM (Does not confirm spot in Youth Group)
Social outings, Sports, Islamic and personal development topics/discussions, Community engagement
Sorry registrations have now closed. Please contact Sr Khairiyah at 0403 382 183.
Brothers for Righteousness
This program aims to empower male youth aged 16 + through facilitating the required knowledge, tools and skills that will enable them to serve as future leaders and propagators.
Further enquiries: info@icentrewa.com.au
Heroes Of Our Deen

Asif Maths Support

Ummul Qura Weekend School

๐ Ummul Qura Weekend School – Registrations for Term 3 closing soon! ๐
๐ Special Features:
โจ Carefully designed curriculum
๐ Essential Islamic knowledge, Hadith & Dua in each class
๐ Seerah focus for Rising Stars (12-16 yrs)
๐ Short Surahs, Names of Allah, Stories & Akhlaq for Young Sprouts (6-11 yrs)
๐ Classes start this Sunday! Limited slots available. Every Sunday, 9:30-11:45AM. Aligned with school term. Don’t miss your chance!
Fee: $100 per child per term
Registration form: 12 to 16 years old:
Registration from for 6-11 years old