Mission Statement
Dear Brothers and Sisters
Assalaamu Alaikum (Peace Be Upon You)
We are pleased to launch the new and improved West Australian Muslim Community Directory portal. Our team has grown and will endeavor to bring you the latest community events and news.
The old website has served us well but we needed a new platform to cater to the requirements of our growing community. Thank you for your support.
AussieMuslims.NET is a website focused on providing a comprehensive information source for the West Australian Muslim community.
The website provides a variety of services such as:
- A list of all Mosques and Prayer Halls
- Current Athan Times
- Community Events
- Business Directory Service
- Islamic Articles and FAQ’s
- Up to date community news and announcements
- Ramadan and Eid Dates; and
- Hajj Packages on offer
AussieMuslims.NET was officially launched on the 15th of September 2006 – prior to the onset of the Holy month of Ramadan!
The website has been developed and designed by I.T. professionals, with industry knowledge and know-how. It is focused on providing West Australian Muslims with a comprehensive information hub presented in a user-friendly and reliable manner. The portal lists relevant up-to-date announcements and events for the West Australian Muslim community. We strive to provide a service that is long-lasting, beneficial, and ultimately – supported by the broader Muslim community Insha-Allah (God Willing).
If you or your organisation wishes to contribute to this website by making your events or establishment known to the West Australian Muslim community or have any suggestions and ideas, please email us on info@aussiemuslims.net
Best Regards and Salaam
Ma’en N Abdulla
Our Values
The Holy Quran states in Chapter 4:37: And worship Allah and associate naught with Him and show kindness to parents, and to kindred, and orphans, and the needy, and to the neighbour that is a kinsman and the neighbour that is a stranger, and the companion by your side, and the wayfarer, and those whom your right hand possess (employees). Surely, Allah loves not the proud and the boastful.