Thriving You and Your Motherhood
Dates: Every Saturday starting 7th August
Time 9:30 am to 11:30 am
Where: 14 Glenbrook Rd Thornlie WA 6108
Cost FREE limited places, must register via email
Instructor Khadija AL Kaddour
She is a qualified and experienced parenting coach and educator.
Founder of the Muslimah Motherhood Circle
Do you want to become a mother that parents from a place of confidence, purpose, worthy of love and belonging and living your true aligned life!?
Reclaiming your emotional regulation and one’s resilient inner emotionally healthy self, creating a thriving home for raising our children without fear and worry!
Reclaiming your self-worth, letting go of the “never good enough” narrative and living to their true self, striving instead of surviving!
Digging deeper into conscious awareness of triggers, painful patterns to rebirth to our new chapter without reacting?
Build your confidence?
Have a powerful mindset?
The program outline
Week 1 Rediscovering You
Week2 Reclaiming your emotional regulation and one’s resilient inner emotionally healthy self
Week 3 Change that mindset-building a resilient mindset
Week 4‘ Triggers and painful pattern unearthed
Week 5 How I accidently oppress myself and my children
Week 6 Energy and time management
Week 7 Attachment dynamics-improving relationships
Week 8 Powerful self-worth and confidence
I am looking for twenty Mothers wanting to get to the next level of growth and healing, look after themselves, heal their triggers and patterns that don’t serve them anymore and commit to shifting in a safe, intimate environment with my support on the way.
This program is worth $1600 but is FREE for participants.One requirement. You are committed to come on time and attend all eight sessions and have a strong desire to build your confidence as a woman and mother.