The Blessed Umrah Tour
More than Umrah!
April 25 – May 4th
After Ramadan & Eid, Makkah and Madina empty out for a short while before the Hajj frenzy ignites. Join me for a Blessed Umrah that realigns the Heart, mind and Body!
More than Umrah!
April 25 – May 4th
After Ramadan & Eid, Makkah and Madina empty out for a short while before the Hajj frenzy ignites. Join me for a Blessed Umrah that realigns the Heart, mind and Body!
ASA brother, I am looking for an Umrah package for 2 adults & 2 kids age 14 & 8 between 20 Sep- 31 October 2024.
Please advise if there is any plans ? From perth.
mobile : 0408681808
Dear Brother Imran, thank you for your eqnuiry, We are not awre of any Umrak Package being porganised from Perth for the period you mentionned however that’s not to say there won;t be one insha-allah. please keep a look out for Umrah Packages on our Umrah Page for all updates insha-allah: https://www.aussiemuslims.net/2023/06/umrah-packages-from-perth/