Solidarity For Beirut
If you wish to join us everyone is welcome.
The State Government has approved the lighting of the Matagarup Bridge and Optus Stadium in the colours of the Lebanese flag, in solidarity with the Lebanese people in Beirut after the devastating bomb blast in Lebanon.
We will be assembling on Monday 17th August at Optus stadium 6:00pm. Roger Mackay Drive or Camfield Drive Burswood, next to the (Camfield café)
We would like to thank Miral Soboh for her initiative in successfully achieving the approval of the request.
If you would like to make a donation the details are as follows.
Participating in the Perth “Solidarity for Beirut” campaign will be:
*Optus Stadium (17 Aug)
*Matagarup Bridge (17 – 21 Aug)
*Bell Tower (17 –18 Aug)
*Sky Ribbon (17 – 21 Aug)
*Mount Street Bridge (17 – 21 Aug)
*Graham Farmer Freeway Tunnel Entry/Exits (17 – 21 August)
*Council House (17 – 21 Aug)
Thank you to the Main Roads please keep an eye on Main Roads Facebook and Instagram.
Mainroads WA
Office of Multicultural Interests
7NEWS Perth
News Talk 6PR 882
تتقدم الجمعية العربية الاسترالية بالشكر الجزيل الاستاذه (ميرال صبح) على مبادرتها الرائعة التي تقدمت بها للحكومة المحلية التي وافقت بدورها على انارة ستاد اوبتس (Optus stadium) الساعة السادسة مساءًا يوم الاثنين السابع عشر من هذا الشهر على ان تكون نقطة التجمع علي العنوان التالي (roger Mackay drive Burswood) أو مقابل ( Camfield cafe )
الساعة السادسة مساءتمنى مشاركتكم في هذه الوقفة التضامنية تجاه المصاب الأليم الذي اصاب اهلنا في لبنان