Seerah Conference 2022
IQRA’ ACADEMY proudly presents:

Join us for a 2-PART experience analysing the beautiful seerah of our beloved Prophet Muhammad ﷺ- featured through one paid, interactive and interpersonal workshop and a public lecture free for all to join!
For either or both events, you definitely want to secure your spot quick! Details as below

Topic: Essence of Life- mentorship and therapeutic guidance from the life and teachings of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ
Time: 4:15pm until Maghrib prayer
Location: Iqra’ Academy Centre
Cost: $15
Conducted by: Sh Wael Ibrahim

>>> Only 20 spots available
Registration is essential so reserve your spot quickly at https://bit.ly/3rg4JAS <<<

– Why do we need to study the Seerah? by Sh Wael Ibrahim
– Miracles of the Prophet ﷺ by Sh Yusuf Parker
– The Nabi ﷺ as a family person by Sh Faizel Gaffoor
Time: After Maghrib until ‘Esha prayer
Location: Iqra’ Academy
Cost: FREE!

Excited to see you all there, in shaa Allah!
Kindly contact 0430064040 for more information.