Rally: Stop the Genocide in Gaza

Gaza is now a hell on earth. Israel has cut off all sources of food, water, electricity and communication to the outside world as it bombs and invades the besieged territory.
According to Ministry of Health data released on 29 October, at least 8005 Palestinians in Gaza have been killed by Israeli attacks since October 7, including at least 3342 children. More than 6,000 have been injured. At least 940 children are reported missing under the rubble.
School and hospital in which the injured and homeless and sought refuge have been targeted by Israeli airstrikes
These war crimes have been aided and abetted by the US, European and Australian governments. who provide Israel with military aid and diplomatic cover.
Lat week Australian PM Albanese stood beside US president Biden while Biden questioned the authenticity of Gaza casualty figures. The Australian shamefully abstained on a UN General Assembly resolution calling for a humanitarian truce.
We call on you to join us to demand:
– Stop the massacre in Gaza!
– Stop the bombing!
– No ground invasion!
– End the blockade of food, water, fuel and all other supplies!
– End the violent ethnic cleansing of Palestinians in the West Bank and East Jerusalem!
– End the Australian Government’s support for apartheid Israel and it’s war crimes against the Palestinians!
– Free Palestine!

The event is finished.


Sunday, 05 Nov 2023


12:30 PM - 3:00 PM

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