Canning Vale – Eid Ul Adha 2021
Please be informed that Eid Salaah will be performed in Canning Vale,
Canning Vale Community Centre, Cnr Eucalyptus Blvd and Waratah Blvd. (map attached)
7.30am on Wednesday the 21st of July 2021
Also, we accept and disburse Sadaqah and Zakaah to the needy. Please
find the account details in which to deposit below:
Account Name : Feizel Chothia
Account Number : 1043 5763
BSB : 066 165
Kindly indicate the nature of the deposit when transferring funds into
the account.
Any donations towards our Madrasah will also be appreciated.
Shukran and Was-Salaam,
ML. Feizel Chothia