Restriction Update

Islamic funeral during the Coronavirus Pandemic

New Measures on COVID-19

Assalamu Alaikom Wa Rahmatu Allahe Wa Barakatuh,
Please Click on the links to see attached statement and notice on the Coronavirus Update from the Australian Fatwa Council in English and Arabic.
click Here For English
اضغط هنا للغة العربية
For more information on our other initiatives, contact us on
1300 765 940
www.anic.org.au | info@anic.org.au
Suite 3/20 Worth St, Chullora NSW 2190 Australia
COVID-19 Mosque Attendance Guidelines
With the easing of Restrictions in WA, Some mosques have already opened their doors again. That said each mosque has posted their guideline to how they will manage the attendance for the 5 daily prayers and the Friday Prayers. for a list of those Mosques please check here: Mosques During COVID-19
ANIC - Our Mosques during COVID-19

WA Gov Term 2 Plan

Home School Resources
School closures will no doubt come, for any parents worrying this list was put together by the home educators community & I've added a bit to it as well.
Feel free to share.
FREE online education resources:
Khan Academy
Especially good for maths and computing for all ages but other subjects at Secondary level. Note this uses the U.S. grade system but it’s mostly common material.
BBC Learning
This site is old and no longer updated and yet there’s so much still available, from language learning to BBC Bitesize for revision. No TV licence required except for content on BBC iPlayer.
Free to access 100s of courses, only pay to upgrade if you need a certificate in your name (own account from age 14+ but younger learners can use a parent account).
For those revising at GCSE or A level. Tons of free revision content. Paid access to higher level material.
Free taster courses aimed at those considering Open University but everyone can access it. Adult level, but some e.g. nature and environment courses could well be of interest to young people.
Learn computer programming skills – fun and free.
Creative computer programming
Ted Ed
All sorts of engaging educational videos
National Geographic Kids
Activities and quizzes for younger kids.
Learn languages for free. Web or app.
Mystery Science
Free science lessons
The Kids Should See This
Wide range of cool educational videos
Crash Course
You Tube videos on many subjects
Crash Course Kids
As above for a younger audience
Crest Awards
Science awards you can complete from home.
iDEA Awards
Digital enterprise award scheme you can complete online.
Paw Print Badges
Free challenge packs and other downloads. Many activities can be completed indoors. Badges cost but are optional.
All kinds of making.
Prodigy Maths
Is in U.S. grades, but good for UK Primary age.
Cbeebies Radio
Listening activities for the younger ones.
Nature Detectives
A lot of these can be done in a garden, or if you can get to a remote forest location!
British Council
Resources for English language learning
Oxford Owl for Home
Lots of free resources for Primary age
Big History Project
Aimed at Secondary age. Multi disciplinary activities.
Geography Games
Geography gaming!
Blue Peter Badges
If you have a stamp and a nearby post box.
The Artful Parent
Good, free art activities
Red Ted Art
Easy arts and crafts for little ones
The Imagination Tree
Creative art and craft activities for the very youngest.
Toy Theater
Educational online games
DK Find Out
Activities and quizzes
This is more for printouts, and usually at a fee, but they are offering a month of free access to parents in the event of school closures.
When times get tough, we get creative!
Welcome to Muslim Town Hall, a virtual community to meet your needs. The Muslim Town Hall was created to ensure that during this challenging time the community knows that WE ARE HERE to assist.
For those needing essential food, referrals for other assistance or simply to know what is happening in the Perth Community online, its a one stop shop. Powered by Muslim Aid Australia its partners Qaswa and Muslim Youth WA and supported by local Leaders, Shuyukh and Organisations its the one place to gather to keep you connected.
SH Yahya Ibrahim on #CoronaVirus
Join Sh #YahyaIbrahim ONLINE for an important #CoronaVirus discussion THIS FRIDAY March 13 inshaa'Allah on my #Facebook page:
Friday 230pm Perth/KL; 530pm SYD/ 630am LDN
#coronavirus - Understand/Prepare/Assist
3 important rules that can save a life in the midst of the #coronavirus #pandemic, and Allah is all Knowing
1- if you’re 50+ in age do not attend to an unregulated Masjid for Jumah or other prayers and activities that has not taken effective measures to keep the congregation safe: Hiring a sanition company to fog and clean the carpets and facilities on a regular consistent basis, turning back people over 60 from all activities including prayer.
2- If you have an elderly person or immuno-compromised person who you will meet then please wash/ bathe, change your outdoor/work clothes into clean fresh clothes and do not come in physical contact with them. Period.
3. Teach your young children about hygiene in fun and practical ways (a video is attached as an example). Understand that many, many people will get sick. It is a good thing that young, healthy people get sick as a part of “herd immunity”. The key is to make sure our children, who are likely to get sick, do not infect those who are in danger (elderly etc.).
If you are able to home-school, then communicate with your children’s school to support you in that regard.
Finally, Maintain your Dua of Protection. Here is my #RamadanTherapy series from last year that will be very beneficial:
A good place to understand the issues:
Allah grant us His protection & Mercy!
Daawah Association of WA (DAWA)

WA Imams Council
Assalāmu ‘Alaikum. Bismillah. After careful consideration of the objectives of our Sharī‘ah and consultation with a wide array of experts and leaders and in seeking the best interests of our community, the Western Australian Imams Council have met and agreed on extraordinary precautionary steps towards safeguarding our Masjids, worship centres & public spaces.
The undersigned Imams and local Masjid committees in WA have agreed that in the interest of public safety, Friday congregational prayers will be closed off to the general public. Prayers remain obligatory. Refer to your local Masjid or centre for further guidance.
This difficult decision is to ensure the greater community’s safety by making sure that our prayer spaces are not a breeding ground for COVID-19 and further hardship.
Masjids will not be offering Friday prayers open to the public. We are working together with scholars & Imams to develop viable solutions to this temporary but necessary action.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and humbly ask community members to cooperate with us by abiding by these procedures and spreading the message to others.
Thank you for your patience. We urge you all to maintain your regimen of daily Du‘ā and fortification through prayer. Please pray for the wellbeing and safety of the Australian & Muslim community.

Announcement from Noorul Islām Society (MIRRABOOKA Masjid)
Due to the current Health Epidemic Following rules needs to be acknowledged, respected and strictly followed Insha-Allah.
1.As of today the Masjid will only be open for Salah(Prayer)
2-Toilets and Wudhu Facilties will be closed until further notice (perform Wudhu at home)
3-Bring along your own Prayer Mat ( Sajaadah)
4- Anyone over the age of 60 years to perform prayer at home including women and children.
5.Only men will be allowed for Juma and limited numbers will be accommodated. Once the quota has been reached the gates will be closed.
6- First Jumah will start at 12:45pm & Finish at 1:00pm. Second Juma will start at 1:15pm and finsh at 1:30pm
7-Leave immediate
Masjid Ibrahim
13th March 2020
Dear Respected Brothers and Sisters
In light of the recent outbreak of the Coronavirus and rising number of Corona Virus cases after careful consideration and with the best interests of the community, the Masjid Ibrahim Committee have decided to take the extraordinary step to request all attendees to the Masjid to refrain from attending the Masjid if you feel unwell or have any of the following symptoms:
Runny nose
Shortness of breath
Sore throat
In addition the Masjid Ibrahim Committee request that:
DO NOT come to the Masjid if you have had close contact with someone who had or is suspected to have Coronavirus;
DO NOT come to the Masjid if you have travelled to a high risk country recently or you have had close contact with someone who had travelled to a high risk country recently (follow quarantine rules);
Cough into a tissue and dispose immediately, or cough into your sleeve, not your hands;
Avoid Physical Contact including handshaking, hugging and any close contact;
Use toilet at home and perform wudhu at home and only in emergency if you need to use toilet or perform wudhu at the Masjid, keep areas clean and use soap and disposable paper towels provided; and
Bring your own prayer mats if possible;
This decision is made with abundance of caution in mind, with the most vulnerable in our community prioritised and has not been made lightly.
We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause and kindly ask community to cooperate with us and support us by acting on these steps and spreading the message to others.
Thank you for your patience and we urge you all to pray for the well being and safety of all the community and attendees.
May Allah keep us all safe and well
Masjid Ibrahim Committee
Islamic Centre of WA