ARMADALE – Armadale Masjid and Islamic Center

ARMADALE – Armadale Masjid and Islamic Center
Short Description
ARMADALE - Armadale Masjid and Islamic Center
Long Description

We (The Committee of AMIC) are very happy to inform you that we have started 5 times Salah in Armadale Mashjeed and Islamic Centre since 1st of January 2017 along with the Jumuah Prayers (Since November 2016).

Dear Patrons and Staffs of AMIC
Assalamu alaikum wrwb
Please click to book your spot at Armadale Masjid and Islamic Centre Jumuah sessions. I request all the Staff to book as well if you are coming to pray at AMIC.

The Prayers timetable is also available at “Go Pray” app. The times of Iqamah are:

  • Fazr 4.15am
  • Duhr 1.00pm
  • Asr 4.15pm
  • Maghreed 7.35pm or 6 minutes after Adhan
  • Esha at 9.15pm

Jumuah Khitba starts at 1.15pm and Salah starting at 1.30pm. Khatib: Sheikh Burhan Mehtar

Jazakumullahu khairan
Abdur Rahman
Phone Number
(08) 6594 1997
16/7 Albany Hwy, Armadale, WA, Australia
  • ARMADALE – Armadale Masjid and Islamic Center

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